Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

GreenInk's guide on how to reduce your carbon Footprint

Reducing your carbon footprint

By Rae Schembra

What is a carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gasses produced by our actions. Some of these gasses are carbon dioxide (COâ‚‚), Methane, Nitrous Oxide, Water Vapor, etc. These gasses all are produced by simply living.

Why do we need to reduce our carbon footprint?

The reason we need to reduce our carbon footprint is because it is the primary aspect associated with climate change, which leads to Global Warming. Our carbon footprint affects the environment; as it affects the climate, it affects the growth of plants, animals, etc. It also affects local economies around the world, and many industries.

What are ways we can reduce our carbon footprint?

There are many beneficial ways that we can reduce our carbon footprint and the effect it has on our environment. To begin, frequently shut off electricity, and air conditioning whenever you are not using such inside your home to minimize wasted energy. Another way is by consuming more foods such as fruits and vegetables as meat can be responsible for up to 14.5% of greenhouse gasses produced. A third way to reduce your carbon footprint is by purchasing second-hand clothing as around 85% of the clothing Americans dispose of gets dumped into landfills. You can also purchase less items, and reuse or recycle items to refrain from purchasing items that are unnecessary. A final way to reduce your carbon footprint is by reducing the amount of time you spend using your car; instead you can ride a bike, walk, etc.